The blog

Mythos Engine Update 19-06, and on writing tools

Series: mythos
Tags: gamedev qt python
1120 words, 6 min read
Tilemaps Mythos Engine is almost untouched since the last post. I did implement tilemap rendering on 14th of June, so there’s at least something ;). The tilemap geometry is generated in the geometry shader, since it seemed nicer that way. Basically, I dump a bunch of unsigned integers onto the GPU that denote the tile ID (starting from top-left corner) which the GPU turns into properly placed and textured quads.

Mythos Engine Update 12-06

Series: mythos
Tags: gamedev c++ libpng
1750 words, 9 min read
Decided to start writing up some of my work on my game engine. I don’t have a lot of media from my previous game engine projects, so I’ll give this a shot. Since this is the first post in the Mythos series, then I’ll give a bit of background. It’s going to be a JRPG-ish 2D tilemap engine. Haven’t got a precise plan for what to do with the engine, so mostly just implementing things I find fun at the moment.

Implementing hot reload for a ExpressJS and EJS site

Tags: webdev javascript
867 words, 5 min read
When working on another personal web project I faced the issue of hot reloading project files on change. The web project is doing a bunch of server-side rendering using ExpressJS and EJS and I couldn’t find a nice hot reload system for it. There were some examples on using webpack for this purpose, but I don’t want to introduce a whole bundling system just for the hot reloading. So I’m writing my own :).


Tags: admin svson
328 words, 2 min read
I have added a contact e-mail to the About page! Feel free to write to me if you’ve got feedback or just want to say hi! I might take some time to respond and the response might end up in your junk mail folder, let’s see how it goes :). To do that I set up Exim and Dovecot onto this server. Probably not one of the best mail server practices, but I think it’ll be fine for a single-user mail server.

Creating a page hit counter with nginx and bash

Tags: webdev svson tutorial
1508 words, 8 min read
So earlier today I posted about the idea to add a hit counter to this webpage. I did it and now I’m going to try my hand at writing more tutorial-ish posts and show you how :). I didn’t want to use one of those weird hit counter services, because where’s the fun in that. Like with all technical problems, I split the “how do I add a hit counter” into smaller problems that I solved one at a time:


Tags: admin svson webdev
193 words, 1 min read
Today, after doing a bunch of work on the page templates, I added a feedback page. For that I wrote a little microservice in NodeJS that stores the submitted data into an SQLite database. Since I didn’t want to have to deal with having any HTML on the microservice, then the microservice does the usual microservice business (validation, stuffing data into the database, etc.) and then responds with a redirect to a pre-made static page.

Changes in the page theme

Tags: admin svson webdev
294 words, 2 min read
Finally had some free time and felt like working on the site. Tuned up the theme a little bit, still not fully functional, but I think it’s a lot better! I added a rather fancy series outline to the modem series page. Doesn’t serve much of a point right now, but if I ever get around to making other longer post series then it’ll come in handy. Another function it serves is automatic generation of “next post” and “previous post” links, as beforehand I had to write the links into the post contents.

MDM5. Doing filesystem cURL ups (WIP DRAFT)

Series: mdm
Tags: mdm-story breaking-and-entering
1030 words, 5 min read
In the last part we got a root shell access to the modem, but it’s still not good enough! The modem has some utilities installed on it, but it’s still rather limiting to poke around files on. It’d really hit the sweet spot if we could dump the filesystem off of the modem onto my hard drive. We’ve got root access, so exfiltrating files isn’t going to be a problem. Worst case scenario is that we’ll have to encode the files to text and make a little script to encode file contents as text and read it into files over telnet, but I don’t feel like writing that unless I really have to.


Series: mdm
Tags: mdm-story breaking-and-entering
847 words, 4 min read
As you may remember from the previous post I pondered whether it’s possible to change the modem’s IMEI, which is supposed to be an unique identification number. This is a slight peek behind the curtains as, in fact, I had root access to the modem and a full filesystem dump before I even started writing the first blogpost. As I was writing part 4 I decided to investigate the filesystem a bit further and discovered the templates directory for the web server (/etc_ro/web/tmpl, if you’ve got the modem filesystem available).

MDM4. A root without a shell

Series: mdm
Tags: mdm-story breaking-and-entering
776 words, 4 min read
So we have the root password hash, but where can we enter it? Running nmap -p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v on the modem gives us some potential clues, plus some more info about the device! [snip] Running: Linux 3.X OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3 OS details: Linux 3.2 - 3.16 [snip] 53/tcp open domain dnsmasq 10.0 80/tcp open http Demo-Webs 4719/tcp open telnet BusyBox telnetd [snip] It appears that they’re running Linux on that tiny modem!
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