The blog

Changes in the page theme

Tags: admin svson webdev
294 words
2 min read

Finally had some free time and felt like working on the site. Tuned up the theme a little bit, still not fully functional, but I think it’s a lot better!

I added a rather fancy series outline to the modem series page. Doesn’t serve much of a point right now, but if I ever get around to making other longer post series then it’ll come in handy. Another function it serves is automatic generation of “next post” and “previous post” links, as beforehand I had to write the links into the post contents. Cool!

Swapped out the boring title header for a menu as well. If it turns out that I won’t be writing too many post series then I’ll cull the “Series” button, but for now I’ll show it off :).

And finally, added a license indication to the pages, so it’s known what terms this content can be used under.

All in all, it was a rather useful evening. Finally figured out a bit more on how Hugo works and finally figured out why the files I was editing were in a weird directory (_default/). Apparently I was editing the default templates all this time and could’ve just created content-specific template directories. Oops. Live and learn, that knowledge came in useful when adding the “About” page ;). Hugo is a pretty nifty tool.

I don’t really like the post summary view on the index page, might change that next. Maybe even before I push these changes live :).

Another thing I’m considering is adding a page-view counter like in Ye Olde days of cowboys and :^).

PS: I’m aware that a lot of the links are broken (tag view, series view), I’ll fix them up soon… or some day… hopefully :).